Coming Back To Cayman – March, 2022
To all who love the Cayman Islands:
We have waited for this season, haven’t we? It’s time to refresh our weary hearts, to renew friendships, to revisit the land of our dreams. Cayman Islands, here we come!
On January 20, 2022, the beautiful Cayman Islands entered Phase 5 of the reopening plan. And in March, 2022 Delta resumed flights into Grand Cayman! Before we pack our bags and head to the airport, though, let’s slow down and carefully read the guidelines regarding this phase. We’ve probably become experts at double-checking details before going to restaurants, sporting events, and places of worship. Let’s use those same skills now so that we can follow our dream as soon as possible!
If you’re on Facebook, please join the public group for which I am administrator: IYCayman. Just like the beautiful beaches at Cayman, this group is super safe! With almost 3,000 members, IYCayman has become a great stop if you have questions to ask, want to read about recent experiences as folks return, or just want to enjoy some gorgeous photos of the spectacular Cayman Islands.
Travel-planning looks differently now than it did two years ago, but I believe that we can set ourselves up very well for our dream time in Cayman by looking back and by looking forward.
Pause and reflect:
As we plan the trips that have been our dreams, let’s look back on the pleasant surprises that have shown up in our lives since March 2020. I really enjoy being around people, but I’ve received so much joy from quiet moments in my garden looking at daffodils and listening to birds in the trees. Meeting friends for dinner a few months ago felt more like a gift of time than a usual evening in a restaurant because we were so grateful to be together. And being able to swim at the local recreation department gave me time to strengthen my body and to rest my mind.
What delights have you found? Each joy that I’ve experienced during the pandemic makes me that much more ready to visit Cayman with my refreshed heart. I can’t wait to wander the grounds of Queen Elizabeth II Botanic Park, a place that always awakens my senses. Walking into favorite restaurants might even bring tears of joy to my eyes, and I’m going to let them fall. Then, there’s the beach. The colors. The sunset. Will you plan to race into the water, or quietly stand for a few minutes and soak in the moment?
So while you research and make plans, pause and reflect on the good things that have remained constant during the pandemic. Those experiences will add depth to each future moment in Cayman.
Prepare for change:
Preparing for change isn’t easy, but it is necessary now. Plan for your return dream trip to Cayman more carefully than you have for any previous trip. Know the guidelines. Double-check for accurate information. Travel is opening. Along the way, though, you might find that your trip feels different, not the same as your last visit to Cayman. Here’s the truth: it’s all okay. Plan diligently. Have back-up plans. Expect changes. Whether you run into changes or not, you’ll be as prepared as possible. In any case, you’ll be back in your happy place—the spectacular Cayman Islands!
On the subject of changes, you probably know that some restaurants have taken breaks while others have, unfortunately, permanently closed. Your favorite spot might not have survived the difficult time of the pandemic. For many of us, the folks who worked in the restaurants were like family. When we return to Cayman, we might shed some tears of sorrow along with our tears of joy. On the other hand, a number of your favorite dining spots did survive! And some new, exciting restaurants have opened! Our Fun Fact Sheet on this site and social media can be a great tools for helping us learn more about new restaurants. We love Cayman for what it has been for us and for what it will be in the future.
Even though change is inevitable, we can be certain that the special parts of Cayman are still there waiting for our return. Aren’t you ready for some amazing CaymanKind? I can’t wait to see those gorgeous smiles and to hear that joyful laughter. How about the sunsets? Through social media I’ve enjoyed stunning photos of the peaceful sunsets from Seven Mile Beach. Dozens of memories have given me joy since my last visit to Cayman—seeing chickens everywhere, kissing a stingray, just resting with my toes in the sand. The frigate birds are ready to be fed at Tukka’s. Bioluminescence waits for us in Bio Bay where we can make magical glow angels.
Diving and snorkeling provide gateways to the constant spectacular underwater displays of beauty. And Hell waits for all of us!
A paragraph from our May 2020 newsletter remains true:
“We are coming back to experience the unique beauty of the Cayman Islands on land, on the water, underwater, and in the air! We are coming back to ooh and ahh over meals that feed our bodies and our souls. We are coming back for the simple joy of a sunset. We are coming back for the wow factor of seeing an endangered Blue Iguana in its native environment. We are coming back for the smiles and the hugs and the laughs of those folks who are like family to us. We are coming back to Cayman!”
Be safe! Plan diligently. Pause and reflect. Plan for change. And, as always, share your CaymanKind wherever you are!
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